Design Pattern in Java to Use With Amazon Products

It is a creational design pattern which talks about the creation of an object. The factory design pattern says that define an interface ( A java interface or an abstract class) and let the subclasses decide which object to instantiate. The factory method in the interface lets a class defer the instantiation to one or more concrete subclasses. Since this design patterns talk about instantiation of an object and so it comes under the category of creational design pattern. If we notice the name Factory method, that means there is a method which is a factory, and in general factories are involved with creational stuff and here with this an object is being created. It is one of the best ways to create an object where object creation logic is hidden to the client. Now Let's look at the implementation.

1. Define a factory method inside an interface.
2. Let the subclass implements the above factory method and decide which object to create.
In Java constructors are not polymorphic, but by allowing subclass to create an object, we are adding polymorphic behavior to the instantiation. In short, we are trying to achieve Pseudo polymorphism by letting the subclass to decide what to create, and so this Factory method is also called as

Virtual constructor. Let's try to implement it with a real-time problem and some coding exercise.

Problem Statement :
Consider we want to implement a notification service through email, SMS, and push notification. Let's try to implement this with the help of factory method design pattern. First we will design a UML class diagram for this.

In the above class diagram we have an interface called Notification, and three concrete classes are implementing Notification interface. A factory class NotificationFactory is created to get a Notification object. Let's jump into the coding now.

Create Notification interface


public interface Notification {

void notifyUser();


Note- Above interface could be created as an abstract class as well.
Create all implementation classes        


public class SMSNotification implements Notification {


public void notifyUser()


System.out.println( "Sending an SMS notification" );




public class EmailNotification implements Notification {


public void notifyUser()


System.out.println( "Sending an e-mail notification" );




public class PushNotification implements Notification {


public void notifyUser()


System.out.println( "Sending a push notification" );



Create a factory class to instantiate concrete class.


public class NotificationFactory {

public Notification createNotification(String channel)


if (channel == null || channel.isEmpty())

return null ;

if ( "SMS" .equals(channel)) {

return new SMSNotification();


else if ( "EMAIL" .equals(channel)) {

return new EmailNotification();


else if ( "PUSH" .equals(channel)) {

return new PushNotification();


return null ;



Now let's use factory class to create and get an object of concrete class by passing some information.


public class NotificationService {

public static void main(String[] args)


NotificationFactory notificationFactory = new NotificationFactory();

Notification notification = notificationFactory.createNotification( "SMS" );




          Output :          Sending an SMS notification        

Real-time examples
This design pattern has been widely used in JDK, such as
1. getInstance() method of java.util.Calendar, NumberFormat, and ResourceBundle uses factory method design pattern.
2. All the wrapper classes like Integer, Boolean etc, in Java uses this pattern to evaluate the values using valueOf() method.
3. java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(), java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(),, java.lang.Class.newInstance(), java.lang.Class.forName() are some of ther example where factory method design pattern has been used.
So far we learned what is Factory method design pattern and how to implement it. I believe now we have a fair understanding of the advantage of this design mechanism.

Design Pattern in Java to Use With Amazon Products


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